First Who is Who, What are Their Regulatory Powers, if Any? And My Take on Registration Open To ALL Aesthetic Practitioners! Who Would Welcome this? A Bit of Myth Busting and Our Reason for 'POTENTIALLY' Setting up The Institute of Aesthetics Practitioner & Training Provider Register.
In my earlier post we examined the requirements set out by HEE in 2016....
Very short courses, e.g. 1-2 days in duration, will not meet the requirements for Recognition of Prior Learning.
• A joint council is to be formed, which will take ownership of cosmetic industry standards for education and training.
• HEE do not expect practitioners to stop practicing whilst new qualification frameworks are in development.
‘Although adoption of the new requirements will be voluntary at this stage, it is recommended that the qualification requirements be adopted as best practice and accepted as the standard that the industry should adopt improve public safety and raise standards of practice and professionalism’
are a charity who formed a voluntary register to meet standards set down by the CPSA
(another charity) All with panels of experts who have laid down 3 sets of standards covering:-
- Prescribing Medical Practitioners
- Non Prescribing Medical Practitioners
- Non Medical Aesthetic Practitioners
This is fine in principle as there are distinct differences in the requirements for education and there are distinct differences currently from Regulated i.e. mandatory registration with RCN, GPHC, GMC etc who have powers to de-register an individual who do not follow codes of practice, conduct, professionalism and so on. My Question is " Do These Individuals need a voluntary but medic only exclusive register
which seems to be more for marketing purposes than the up holding of standards.
Why Would JCCP Exclude Non Medical Aesthetic Practitioners?
The reason being in 2016 there was no Ofqual Regulated Qualifications at Post-Graduate Certificate Level which was deemed to be Necessary - It is now 2021 and That is no longer the case! Covid has more than likely put paid to any reviews at the current time, and I know individual practitioners are not chasing for this to happen and are not scrambling to join what seems to be a bias register.
JCCP has no regulatory powers although great influence, I was disappointed to see that some Awarding Organisations have developed post graduate certificates and made them only available to medics, the reason I was given that they were working closely with JCCP. As a professional educator I just disagree with this, it goes against Awarding Organisations Access to education policies and I fear is a little to political and helps fuel the divide.
JCCP Lay down a requirement for Post Graduate certification in 2018, so I wonder what the agenda now is? It Costs £450 to register and in excess of £5000 for a training provider to register - there is no wonder that with the expense and exclusivity of medic only, I for one have little confidence in the true motivation of The JCCP. The L7 Post graduate certificate in Aesthetic Practice does exist now and i strongly recommend professional practitioners from all backgrounds to get qualified and get them selves on a professional register.
Save Face
is another register for medics, their requirements being * Professional Registration number
* Training certificates for each treatment provided
* Insurance Certificate
* BLS certificate last 18 months CPD activity log of CPD undertaken in the last 12 months
* If you are not a registered prescriber: Your prescriber’s NMC, GDC or GMC registration number
* Their contact details, A signed statement from them
Registration is cheaper than JCCP and they are accredited by
The Professional Standards Authority
who actually are a government regulatory body for Health & Social Care Regulatory Bodies and Voluntary Registration Schemes like JCCP & Save Face Nothing wrong with this organisation, some great downloads and resources! How ever again ignoring Aesthetic Practitioners from a non medic Back ground! Which I feel was the whole point of the Keogh Report.
So My thoughts to resolve is to start a Professional Standards Authority accredited register open to medics and non medics, with an inspection regime and a minimum requirement of L7 Post graduate Certification which we feel will Future Proof The Business of so many individuals, some of whom have spent several thousand pounds on what they thought was Qualifications but were actually CPD Accredited Courses.
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